Astrologer Maria Shaw Lawson

WIOG/Maria Shaw Lawson Monthly Horoscopes August 23- September 21

By Maria Shaw Lawson

Many Virgo have made huge changes the past few years and are now wondering if those decisions have been worthwhile. You'll understand why they were so necessary by mid November but rest assured you are closer to walking your destined path than you'd think. Expansive Jupiter, now visiting the friendship sector of your solar chart, brings a boost in popularity and social success. Money finds its way to you a little easier, especially near December and in most of 2014. Heavy handed Saturn requests you firm up your contracts and commitments, this year, the long term ones. With Neptune opposing your sign, you aren't seeing relationships and partnerships clearly. It's best to be cautious when dealing with new acquaintances. However this transit may increase your intuition and help you move forward in other areas of your life especially those that involve spirituality. With home sales on the rise, Virgo should take advantage of setting up house sooner than later. Concerns for an older family member may take its toll this fall while a younger person needs more of your personal attention. The financial picture brightens with a lengthy Mars transit to your "house of money". You could see several sources of income and/or your partner’s paycheck increases. The first half of 2014 is filled with fun times, friendships and special invitations. You may see a goal materialize. The last part of the year, many happy reunions are in store with people you never dreamed would reappear in your life.

Aries – Tackle work projects early on in the month so you have more time for fun! A last minute invitation should not be ignored. You will meet someone important at a social gathering soon.

Taurus – Play your lucky numbers! You could win at games of chance. Some Bulls will consider doing a home project but find it's more expensive than anticipated. It can be done but corners will need to be cut.

Gemini – You'll feel pulled between work and play this month. It's likely you will take a few extra days of vacation here and there. Don't feel too guilty about it. You've earned it!

Cancer – Short trips and casual gatherings are favored now. You will find enjoyment in the simple pleasures of life. An old flame is curious about your current relationship status.

Leo – Catch up on some sleep and pamper yourself. Indulge in things you enjoy doing. A heavy work schedule increases several weeks from now, so make this month count.

Virgo – Matters of the heart are your main focus this month. Meaningful connections develop and relationships that have run their course are ending. New love is on the horizon.

Libra – Balance your budget at the beginning of the month or you will run out of cash before the month is up! You may not realize how much you are actually spending on unnecessary items.

Scorpio – You have what it takes to see a goal materialize. With some extra effort on your part and connecting with the right people, you can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sagittarius – You will feel a little melancholy this month. Take it easy on yourself and don't get caught up in other folks' drama. A new hobby would turn into a lucrative business.

Capricorn – Rumors fly this month but before you believe everything you hear, consider the sources. Some information you will get is just plain false.

Aquarius – You get another chance at a relationship you thought was over for good. Sometimes, things are better the second time around. Consider it!

Pisces – You'll have to pinch yourself to see if you're dreaming. Wonderful news comes your way. Things are looking up and you get the chance to do something you've always wanted to.

Maria’s Psychic Fun Fairs & Events *Saturday September 7 Lapeer Center Building 11a.m. to 5p.m. $5 admission $10 readings New readers! Your favorites are back! New gemstones and jewels too. *Sunday September 8 Lansing Comfort Inn former Hampton Inn but same address 525 Canal Rd Lansing 11a.m. to 5p.m. $5 admission $10 readings New Readers and your favs!

*October 25-27 Maria's Annual Halloween Cosmic Connections Convention! Call 810-631-6887 Today! Visit for details
