Super Cute!

Hi everyone! Lexy here again to tell you more about the amazing boutique I work at, Super Cute. One of my favorite things about Super Cute is how unique every item really is. To be specific, an item that has always caught the eye of not only myself, but customers, is our Giving Keys.

The Giving Keys is a pay it forward company based out of Los Angeles, California. Employed are people transitioning out of homelessness in need of a full time, stable job. Each piece of jewelry purchased plays part in creating a job for someone in need. The Giving Keys are jewelry pieces made from old donated keys with meaningful words engraved on them such as brave, inspire, and dream. The point is basically to take what you need, and then pay it forward. So, when buying your key piece, wear it until you find someone who needs that inspirational word more than you do, and then pass the jewelry piece on to them.

This company and their whole mission is truly powerful. Their website says that their “core values unite us around our mission to pay it forward and remind us of the truth about ourselves: that who we are tomorrow is not defined by who we were yesterday, and that with intention and hard work, we can create a future that is brighter than our past”.

Whether you are in need of some inspiration or you are looking for a truly meaningful gift, The Giving Keys are the perfect choice. These pieces really are heart warming and sentimental and an all-around favorite for us at Super Cute.

Until next time…

