As you may know, on November 2nd a group of us here at the station came together to rescue a little kitten out of the dumpster. We don’t know how he got in there or how long he had been. AT LEAST a few days. The little guy was surviving off of everyone’s left over lunch…I assume as he chewed holes in the garbage bags.

When we first got him inside of the building he would hiss and spit at us when we would open the box he was in.  Not knowing if he had any diseases…we wanted to get him checked out so Eastman Animal Hosptial in Midland was so amazing and got Oscar (like garbage Oscar from Sesame St) and I in right away! He’s got a clean bill of health and is now Safe and warm at my place! (MacKenzie’s.)  He still wasn’t happy the first night…but last night November 3rd, I was on my phone googling if feral kittens can be domesticated easily because he was STILL SO TERRIFIED. LITERALLY….5 minutes later took him back into the bathroom where his food, water, and litter is and he started rubbing against my legs and wanting to be pet…and then….PURRING. He’s gonna’ be a good boy. <3   Stay tuned for updates on Oscar!!! I’ll post pictures of him here frequently!img_4070 img_4076 img_4080 img_4088 Like a little blog for him.

