Be a part of Radiothon 2016

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February 4-5, 2016

radiothon pic2WIOG Invites you to be part the lifesaving work of The Children’s Miracle Network and its partner Hospital Hurley Children’s Hospital. Be a part of the stories, the tears and healing through medicine that allows children facing serious/terminal illness the treatment that can make a difference and even save their lives. As a sponsor with WIOG your business will be featured during this annual two day event.



Here are ways your company can get involved

radiothon pic3Miracle Moment Sponsor

To help educate consumers about some of the miracles that have happened since that time, we have created a series of Sixty second audio vignettes.  Each vignette tells a story regarding a child, a piece of equipment, or a hospital department that has benefited from the funds raised by our Radio-thon.

As a Miracle Moment Sponsor, Your Company will help us to pre-promote this year’s Radio-thon, educate consumers on how their current donations have helped the hospital, and, most importantly, Your Company will be featured as the sponsor during the intro and closing of each miracle moment story.

radiothon pic4Presenting Sponsor

Imagine the impact your company will have as the presenting sponsor during our Radio-thon. Thanks to your support, we will be able to share patient stories through live interviews & musical montages to help raise money for Hurley Medical Center. More importantly, thanks to the high exposure of this opportunity, YOUR COMPANY will stand out in the minds of consumers as an organization that cares for kids in our area.

Your business will be included as the presenting sponsor in a minimum of (100) shared Ten Second Live/Thirty second recorded announcements leading up to & during the Radio-thon Dates. You’ll be interviewed live by the station’s personalities to showcase your commitment to kids in our area

radiothon pic5Phone Bank Sponsor 

Your Company will have the exclusive opportunity to receive an amazing amount of mentions as the Phone Bank Sponsor for the 2016 TWO Day Children’s Miracle Network Radio-Athon.

Your company’s name will be mentioned every time the Radio-athon host(s) checks in with the volunteers taking donation phone calls identifying your company as the Phone Bank Sponsor. Phone banks are open for two days from 6am-7pm for donors to call.


radiothon pic1Local Sponsorship are affordable and will let area Families & our community know that your business cares!

Call Julia Richardson, General Sales Manager at (989) 776-2100 or email her at [email protected] to be a sponsor!

