Dream Wedding – Our Couples



1. Sara Szafranski and Tyler Pitchford












VOTES:  6743

Tyler was my best friend way before he was my boyfriend. We never wanted to cross that line because we were so important to each other and never wanted anything bad to happen. Well that eventually fell through, and he has been the love of my life for the past 6 years. We lived hours apart all through college and came out stronger than ever. At times our entire world has fell down around us, loss of grandparents, horrible accidents, hospital stays, and family addiction shredding life to pieces, Ty was always standing next to me supporting my dreams and being my backbone. We got engaged January 10th and I could be more excited and honored to spend the rest of my life with the only person that makes sense. We have worked hard at our relationship over the years to make it so special I want to be able to showcase the love we have for one another. The opportunity to win this wedding would be a dream come true.


2. Travis Maginity and Tracey Revels 

VOTES: 6683

This is for my Bride to be… I want to give her the world, but I can only give her my heart for the world cost money. While we do both work, we have a home, a family (she has 2 great kids) and we seem to be in good health now, but we have had our bumps along the way. I had lost a job of 11 years to outsourcing and I’m still receiving financial from that, she had a few health bumps, and the normal life expenses of a new furnace and having to get a different vehicle ( drove 2 years with no heat). I understand people out here are far worse and I’m thankful for what we have. I just want to give her what I can in life. She is a teacher and puts in longer hours both staying after school and doing her homework at night. She is sometimes over caring and loving for what she does both with work and every life of friends, family, and even strangers. So I enter this hoping to help give us something a bit more special to share with our family, friends, and ourselves. We do have a date set, but not able to really figure out how and where to do this with our funding at hand. Thanks for reading and consideration


3. Joshua Acker and Tiffany Gomez

VOTES: 5097

Me and Tiffany have been together going on 8 years. We have an extremely strong bond and relationship and i would love to give her the wedding of her dreams. She is an hard worker, wonderful woman and has an extremely big heart who deserves the world and if I could give her the wedding she wants and deserves that would help us out extremely as we are saving to buy a house to move out of the bad part of Saginaw. Last February we took a family vacation to Florida were my parents surprised us by renewing their vows on the beach after 25 years of marriage. Unfortunately that was the last time we got to spend with my grandma as she passed away a few days after the wedding in Florida. Prior to her leaving us she expressed how she wanted me and tiff to get married. If we knew she wouldn’t be coming home with us we would have said our vows in Florida so she could of been part of our special day. She left me her rings to give to tiffany when we do get married so our wedding will be extremely special. Tiffany and I grew as one over the years and are really close to one another this wedding will bring of even closer and move us in the right direction that our lives have in store and we would be really appreciative if we got chosen. I would love to marry the girl of my dreams but I simply can’t afford it right now. Please consider us as you make your choice…. Thank you.



4. Susie Andrus and Matt Trumble

VOTES:  4941

Our journey started out at the local seven eleven where I worked for about 4 years. Matt was a frequent customer, and soon started visiting for more reasons than just a Slurpee. We started as friends, but ended up falling in love. Matt is not the only one I fell in love with though. Matt has full custody a beautiful little girl. It didn’t start out easy, but over the years we have become a family. We are each others support systems, and for that I am forever grateful. I went back to college in 2013, and it’s been hard to juggle working full time and going to school, and just life. Even at my breaking points, he knows how to pick me back up and encourage me to go on. I support him on his life struggles, and his obsession of hunting. Although I’m not willing to freeze in the woods, I am willing to cook up the venison! We are able to live with each others bad qualities, and enjoy the good ones. Matt knows I will forever clog the bathroom sink with my hair, and I have accepted the fact that he has to sleep with a fan in the middle of the winter. However we make each other laugh, and truly enjoy each others company! Matt purposed in December in front of everyone at my work Christmas party. It was definitely a night to remember, and one of the best nights of my life. We are excited to take this next step in life, and get married. Winning this package, would give us the opportunity to actually have the wedding we are dreaming about.



5. Jacquelyn Beffrey and Craig Wenglikowski 

VOTES: 4505

Amidst rising from ashes of unhealthy past relationships we have had to endure hardships like surgery, financial difficulty, and death. If it wasn’t for each other I’m not sure how we would have made it through. As an adult it’s a humbling experience to be forced to move in with family to pay off debt and save for a house of our own. We are currently in our early 30’s, have been together five years and engaged for a year. Winning the Dream Wedding will give us the chance to be stress free about our first chapter in our new journey together.



6. Michael Quigley and Stephanie

VOTES:  4171

Stephanie and I met when we were 14 years old. We actually started dating on August 29, 1997 which is her birthday. We have been through so much together, and I have never been able to give her the wedding that she deserves. We had planned to get married in the spring of 2014, but on November 22, 2013 we had a tragic house fire that took everything that we had worked for. Our insurance company denied our claim, which left us with nothing. We had to start from scratch, which meant that we had to cancel the wedding. To win this contest and be able to marry my best friend and give her the wedding that she deserves, would be the most amazing thing that could happen to us after such a hard last year and a half. Stephanie means everything to me and I want to give her everything. She is the love of my life.


7. Alizia Jolls and Paul Hamilton

VOTES: 4162

I don’t really think that there is much reason to vote for us over anyone else. I’m sure our love is just as great as someone else’s love, but of course I’m always going to think our love is the greatest of all because it is our own. <3 Paul is such a great man. He has been great to me, shown me what true love really is. He is patient, and kind, and truly brings out the best in me. I can only imagine what a stress reliever winning this contest would bring to him. We just had our first son ! Paul David Hamilton the second. Money is tight, but Paul knows I want a wedding one day, and I know he would do all he can to provide it for me. Maybe with some votes and kindness, we could have the wedding of our dreams with baby Paul as our ring bearer. â¤


8. Madeline Hays and Andrew Welch












VOTES: 3495

Andy and I are a young hard working couple, who dream of having not only an awesome wedding for us but for our guests too! We love our friends and family and more importantly eachother. We rely on eachother and know that when we have no one else, we have eachother. When one of us struggles we have the other to lean on. We can finish eachothers sentence and often think the same thoughts. We would truly appreciate the help from our friends family and strangers to win our dream wedding, where we can celebrate and cherish a loving relationship between two amazing people.


9. Janell Eile and Ismael Herrara 

VOTES: 3388

I think my fiancé and I should win this contest. It would be such a blessing not only to us but to my awesome family who have been through our ups and downs our entire lives. We have had a few setbacks through our journey as most people have in their own lives, but most recently we lost our best man in a car accident in quanicasee. It has been such a hard emotional thing to deal with. Our family and friends have been very supportive for us both. It would truly be a wonderful thing to win this wedding and make all of our dreams come true. I have dreamt of the perfect wedding since I was little but we have decided that maybe we should run a way to Vegas to avoid all the hard work and financial problems that it will cause us and our families. Please consider us to be the couple that you choose to be blessed with this awesome gift.



10. Syndi Fornwalt and James Thayer 

VOTES: 3135

Jim and I met 8 years ago online, “Plenty of Fish” to be exact! It was my first time dabbling online. And yes you have to kiss a lot of “fish” before you find your prince. We have both been married before and have our own children, neither of us having an actual “wedding” the first time around. We have brought two families together, which has been challenging needless to say. In the last 8 years I have had struggles letting go and letting Jim take the disciplinary role with my children. We have been through two deaths; both Jim’s sons have passed away. We have even separated for around 6 months after his first son’s passing. But we managed to work our way back to each other, the stars and moon were obviously in alignment. We are also raising his three year old granddaughter for the time being. We have learned to communicate, forgive and listen. We love each other and we are committed. Why vote for us? Because we are finally ready to get MARRIED!!!! Oh and our picture is totally “US” when I finally got my ring at the Eben Ice Caves in the Upper Peninsula when we were on our yearly snowmobile trip!

